Read My Blog2023-10-19T09:32:16+02:00

My Blog

Why critical policies can be such a headache!

By |November 26th, 2024|

Let’s be honest—writing policies is no one’s idea of fun. Sitting down to decide rules and procedures for an entire organisation is time-consuming and not particularly exciting. It requires thinking through every possible situation and accounting for all the “what-ifs.” More often than not, it’s the finance or admin team [...]

Turning Conflict into Progress: The Power of Healthy Disagreements in Non-Profits

By |October 22nd, 2024|

As a leader in a non-profit, you may instinctively want to avoid conflict, seeing it as a disruption to your team’s harmony. However, I want to challenge that mindset. Conflict, when managed well, can actually be a powerful tool for growth and progress in your organisation. It’s important to recognise [...]

One Bad Apple Spoils the Bunch

By |October 22nd, 2024|

Have you ever hired someone new and noticed that the whole vibe of the organisation shifts? It’s hard to pinpoint at first, but something just feels off. People who used to love coming to work seem less enthusiastic, and suddenly the team doesn’t feel as cohesive. At first, you might [...]

Effective Communication – Rinse and Repeat

By |February 28th, 2024|Tags: , , |

If you’ve known me for 5 minutes, you’ll know I like to talk! It’s how I learn, process information, and communicate most clearly. But I know that sometimes it’s important to distill information into text or video or a recording of some kind. People need to be able to refer [...]

Just Do It

By |November 30th, 2023|Tags: , , |

I realized in writing the last blog (found here) that it’s not actually the decision that we struggle with as leaders. Deep down we know what needs to be done if we stop and listen to our gut. We try to rationalize things with a pros and cons list but [...]

Parent yourself!

By |November 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Welcome to my blog! I’m hoping to regularly (no guarantees!) share with you my thoughts, lessons I’ve learned, tips, processes, methodologies, and basically, my headspace. I hope that you will find some of it interesting, some of it useful and some of it shareable so that others can benefit from [...]

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