Welcome to my blog!
I’m hoping to regularly (no guarantees!) share with you my thoughts, lessons I’ve learned, tips, processes, methodologies, and basically, my headspace. I hope that you will find some of it interesting, some of it useful and some of it shareable so that others can benefit from the ‘ah ha’ moments that you might have.
To give me some direction and inspiration for these, I’ve decided to focus on a theme each month(ish). My social media posts, talks, and other things will also be geared around the theme so that there is consistency, and you can pick up nuggets of truth from various places.
The theme till the end of the year is LEADERSHIP.
The lesson I’ve learned this past year is that leadership starts with leading yourself. When you’re young your first leaders are your parents. They give you direction (“time for bed”), they bribe, sorry I mean, motivate you, they discipline you, they teach you to regulate your emotions (maybe not in the healthiest way “stop crying over nothing”), they help you to learn about the world and live in it. As you grow up, you can do whatever you want, but that often doesn’t help you achieve your goals. It can lead to unhealthy habits, stress, and burnout.
Ian Hatton, an authority on leadership at Totally Morpheus, says “My number one job today is me”. You can’t lead from an empty tank. You can’t motivate a team if you don’t know how to motivate yourself. You can’t navigate an emotionally charged meeting if you don’t know what you are feeling and bringing into the space. You need to understand yourself so that you can lead better. This time of year is CRAZY! It’s the race to finish all the commitments for the year before the Christmas holidays. We’re stressed, tired, and busy.
But, in all that, how well are you parenting yourself? Are you getting enough sleep, not neglecting exercise, making sure that you find time for connection, and most importantly FUN? Lead by example, by learning to lead yourself.
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